Reframe and Refresh: "Dismantling Myths About Race"

Reframe and Refresh: "Dismantling Myths About Race"
Thursday, March 23, at 2pm ET
Join us for this important conversation on “Dismantling Myths About Race” through film with filmmakers, T. Geronimo Johnson and Josh Aaseng (Manifest Destiny Jesus), Jon Osaki (Not Your Model Minority), and Dr. Candice Robinson, Assistant Professor of Sociology at University of North Carolina, Wilmington. We’ll examine myths about Blacks, Asians and a White Jesus as well as reflect on the societal impact of perpetuating false perceptions about race. We'll discuss the films Manifest Destiny Jesus, which examines how portraying Jesus as white has reinforced cultural divides and Not Your Model Minority, whichshows how the Asian model minority myth has been used to create a wedge between communities of color. The panel will be moderated by Larissa Lam (Far East Deep South).
You will receive the link to join this virtual discussion in your email after registration. Auto-captions will be available.
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