Who Runs New Day

New Day has operated as a democratically-run cooperative since 1971, and now has over 140 filmmaker members. The membership elects our management team, and every member plays an important role in operations.
A Democratic Filmmaker Collective
Once a year, all New Day Members gather for four days to collaboratively make decisions about our business, complete communal tasks, and support each other’s filmmaking. In addition to marketing our individual films, all active members volunteer time to run the business, from acquisition to promotion, website to finance. Throughout the year, we communicate online about major issues and meet regionally to select new films. We bring in professional partners for some aspects of the work, particularly in customer service and fulfillment.
Our team is working to eliminate financial and informational barriers to educational film distribution opportunities for Black, Indigenous, People of Color and disabled people. New Day’s Equity and Representation team conducts outreach at major industry festivals and conferences and works to align our organizational processes with our values. We strive for universal access to our titles by including closed captions, subtitles, and audio description wherever possible.
The Current New Day Steering Committee
Chair, Joel Fendelman
Equity and Representation, Indira Somani
Marketing, Kate Way
Acquisitions, Myles Matsuno
Digital Operations, Tiffany Fisher-Love
Launch and Member Services, Willow O'Feral and Ellen Bruno
Financial Operations, Julie Mallozzi
General Operations, Meghan Shea
Strategic Facilitator, Vivianne A. Njoku