ASA Conference, Day 3

Today, Debbie Lum joined the New Day team at Booth 301 - and a lot of ASA attendees were delighted to meet the celebrity star of Seeking Asian Female!
We had another whirlwind day of conversations on a wide range of topics.
Among the many visitors to our booth, we chatted with Josh LePree, a PhD candidate and sociology instructor from CU Boulder, who teaches diversity, race/ethnicity, and classes on gender, race, and the state. Josh told us, “I love showing films in my classes - and I feel so blessed to know there are filmmakers like you who see the world the same way we do! And my students really love it when I show films - I think it’s one of the reasons why I get such good teaching scores.”

I’m so happy that New Day exists!” says Matthew Eddy, assistant professor of sociology at Minot State University in North Dakota. Shown here with New Day filmmakers Yun Suh and Debbie Lum.

Vanessa Warheit with Ted Cohen, Professor and Chair of Sociology & Anthropology at Ohio Wesleyan University, who told us: “I’ve never used a New Day film I didn’t love!”

Vanessa Warheit with Boaz & Eva Kahana, a husband-and-wife team from Cleveland State University.
Our crew also sat in on a few of the many relevant panel presentations - including sessions on gender, diversity, and indigenous populations. And we’ve finally got the discount code sorted out! Hooray for the New Day web team!

Debbie Lum, trying to sort out the ASA discount code….