Robbie Leppzer

Introduction (2-3 lines)

Robbie is an award-winning documentary filmmaker committed to telling stories of people who stick their necks out to take risks for grassroots social change and building bridges across cultures. He lives in southern Vermont.

Robbie Leppzer is an award-winning independent documentary filmmaker with forty years experience directing over thirty independent film, video, and public radio documentaries for national and international distribution. His critically acclaimed feature-length and short documentaries, as well as commissioned television news magazine segments, about contemporary social issues, grassroots activism, and multicultural themes have been broadcast by CNN International, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation HBO/Cinemax, PBS, CNN, Sundance Channel, HDNet, Free Speech TV, Link TV, National Public Radio, and Pacifica Radio.

From the environmental protests of the 1970s, to the growing global peace, social justice and environmental movements of the new millennium, filmmaker Robbie Leppzer has chronicled grassroots social movements over the last four decades. His previous films include:

An Act of Conscience - Narrated by Martin Sheen, this feature-length documentary tells
the story of pacifists Randy Kehler and Betsy Corner of Colrain, Massachusetts whose home was seized by federal marshals and IRS agents after they publicly refused to pay federal taxes as a protest against war and military spending. World Premiere, Sundance Film Festival. Nationally broadcast on HBO/Cinemax, Sundance Channel, Free Speech TV and Link TV. 90 minutes.

The Peace Patriots - A primer on dissent in a time of war, featuring teenagers, college students, war veterans, teachers, clergy, and community activists, as they take part in vigils, marches, theater performances, and civil disobedience sit-in protests at the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Nationally broadcast on Free Speech TV. 78 minutes.

Columbus Didn't Discover Us - Indigenous people from North, South and Central America speak out about the impact of the Columbus legacy — past and present — on their lives. Nationally broadcast on Free Speech TV. 24 minutes.

Seabrook 1977 - A chronicle of the birth of the anti-nuclear power direct action movement when 1,414 people were arrested in a civil disobedience protest at a nuclear power plant under construction in Seabrook, New Hampshire and jailed en masse in National Guard armories for two weeks. Broadcast on Free Speech TV and WGBY-TV, PBS, Springfield, MA. 80 minutes.

New Day Films by Robbie Leppzer

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