New Day: Breaking the Distribution Mold

In the competitive world of film distribution, it can be easy to forget that there is a more personal and direct way of operating. National Co-op Month in October is a good time to celebrate our rare and unique status as a distribution co-op.
We have banded together as engaged filmmakers and activists to collectively market and sell our films. By purchasing or licensing titles from our collection you not only gain access to thought-provoking educational materials, but you also support a unique model that empowers New Day filmmakers to maintain ownership of our films and to use our earnings in sustaining careers devoted to education, activism, and change-making.
New Day was initially formed in 1971 because the women’s movement had arrived and a group of independent filmmakers couldn’t find distribution for their feminist films. "The whole idea of distribution," explains co-founder Julia Reichert, "was to help the women's movement grow. Films could do that; they could get the ideas out. We could watch the women's movement spread across the country just by who was ordering our films. First it was Cambridge and Berkeley. I remember the first showing in the deep South."
Central to our co-op’s identity is the democratic way that we self-govern. Each voice is valued and decisions about how to grow and improve our service is done collectively. Major efforts are guided by a volunteer Steering Committee drawn from the pool of members-owners in the co-op. A biennial transfer of governance to other members assures that leadership is broadly shared and frequently infused with new ideas and perspectives.
Being a part of New Day Films is such a breath of fresh air which makes me feel inspired and energized. New Day is filled with experienced and powerful storytellers, there to help and support you, making you not only a better filmmaker, but also thrive as an individual and as a collective.
—Najma Nuriddin, Not in My Neighbourhood
As a Latina filmmaker, I have been welcomed into the New Day community with open arms. It’s been amazing to be a part of such a supportive and engaged group of storytellers whose powerful films are having a real impact in the world.
—Luisa Dantas, Land of Opportunity
Our collection includes award-winning films that investigate global concerns like criminal justice, environmental issues, gender & sexuality, and immigration. New Day films have challenged and inspired audiences everywhere, from high school classrooms to Capitol Hill. We continue to be sustained by the ideas that inspired our formation: collaboration, hope and social change.
Thank you for your continued support of the longest-running distribution cooperative for independent filmmakers in the US!