Catie Foertsch
Introduction (2-3 lines)
Producer / director Catie Foertsch is a former journalist and award-winning corporate filmmaker who lives in greater Boston.
In 2018, Catie was approached by two veterans – Travis Weiner (101st Airborne, Iraq 2005 & 2007) and Tommy Furlong (3/6 Marines, Afghanistan 2010). They asked her to partner with them to make a documentary film about the post-9/11 wars. As veterans, Travis and Tommy were shocked and disheartened by how little mainstream America knew about the wars and the costs to the men and women who fought them. They wanted to give veterans the opportunity to speak candidly about their experiences, and to educate the American public about the reality of war. At the time Catie was senior producer at DigiNovations in greater Boston, producing a wide variety of film and video projects for corporate, nonprofit and academic clients in New England, nationally and internationally.
Catie produced, directed and edited What I Want You To Know as an act of patriotism, to ask America to do better, to open its eyes to the injuries to body, mind and soul suffered by those we send to fight our wars.
What I Want You To Know premiered at the Maine International Film Festival in July 2023, where it won the Audience Favorite Award. It has been screened by almost 30 universities, nonprofits and conferences, and has been praised by veterans as an amazingly powerful and deeply honest film, and one of the most important documentaries of our time.