Elizabeth Seja Min

Introduction (2-3 lines)

Elizabeth Seja Min is not a filmmaker. She is a coach, facilitator and strategist to leaders and teams in the social sector. Since 2003, she has served as New Day's ongoing consultant and facilitator.

Elizabeth has helped hundreds communicate with heart, raise serious capital, collaborate, lead, and develop people and the systems that bring out their best. She’s been in the trenches with every aspect of organization life, working on the great social issues of our times. She’s built organizations and projects from the ground up and guided leaders and teams through times of serious strategic transition.

Elizabeth is a creative visionary, always learning something new to pass on. Leaders and teams say above all else, they trust her – and with that trust, much more is possible than they imagined at the start. She has the sage’s touch, the ability to engage different kinds of people and ideas on a journey with solid measures and the will to move forward. Business goals are fully accomplished, but just as crucial, people report a greater ability to communicate with clarity and purpose, empower self and others, and deliver essential resources.

As a strategist, coach and facilitator, Elizabeth brings over 30,000 hours of hands-on projects with organizations, networks, and philanthropies from five continents, professional coaching and strategic planning certifications, and a deep portfolio in all facets of organizational life with a specialty in the “sweet spot” where resource development, communications and leadership meet. Her entrepreneurial spirit founded one landmark organization and nine signature programs for others. She has been at the helm of four U.S. nonprofit organizations focused on community cultural development.

Since childhood, she has logged another 30,000 hours of being guided and guiding others as a professional music director and conductor, record label chief with two Grammy nominations, multi-instrumentalist, and community cultural worker. She currently serves on the board of directors for the venerable Berkeley music house, The Freight and Salvage.

I am New Day's ongoing facilitator and consultant. I work with the membership's steering committee year around and design and facilitate meetings, including the annual 3-day membership meeting. I'm a tone setter, leadership coach, infrastructure geek, problem solver, strategic designer, decision-making guide, documentor, partner and shepherd-at-large. Above all, I support the membership in developing the depth and breadth of this rare community and unique, cooperative social enterprise. New Day is one of a kind.

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